Foster Love and Unity
Help Build a Solid Foundation for Life
Crosspointe offers ministry avenues for men and women. With weekend, weekday, morning, and evening groups that meet regularly, we surely have a Life Group just for you. Come experience and express the HEART of Christ with us.
Connecting Through the Word
Understand the Bible better through discussion
Connecting Through Faith
Find encouragement and support
Connecting Through Relationships
Strive through relationships, prayer, and community
Co-Ed Life Groups
Sundays at 11 a.m. on the Second Floor
Additional Times Throughout the Week
This ministry exists to connect people relationally for the purpose of growing in Christ-likeness, caring for one another, and fostering an environment for life change.
Women’s Groups
Gatherings throughout the week
Our women’s groups meet to discus the Bible and how its value applies to their everyday lives. Our women’s groups are supportive, offering prayer and lifelong relationships through the challenges and journeys of life.
Men’s Groups
The Herd
Gatherings throughout the year
Based on the Battle of Kruger, The Herd is a group for Crosspointe's men to gather, grow closer to Jesus, help others, and increase accountability. Without healthy outlets and relationships to turn to, we are like that poor water buffalo isolated from his herd, soon becoming dinner for a prowling lion. In The Herd, you will find men watching out for each other, caring enough to challenge one another in a Godly manner, and facing the issues in today's complex world.
The Herd meets periodically for fellowship breakfasts, work days around the church building, service opportunities, retreats, and conferences.